Stelvio Cipriani was an innovative, prolific, and above all, versatile composer, both in film scores and library music.
After an experience as a pianist on cruise ships, where he met and played with Dave Brubeck, Cipriani turned to pop music before fully dedicating himself to composing film scores. He gained great notoriety in the 1970s, a period in which he blended sophisticated crescendos, psychedelic nuances, and funky rhythms, creating atmospheres rang ing from suspenseful and restless to romantic and tropical. He won the Nastro d'Argento for Best Soundtrack with Anonimo Veneziano (1970), one of his best - selling and most listened - to albums in the CAM Sugar catalog, which earned him worldwide fame with ov er 14 million records sold. The CAM Sugar catalog also includes the cult soundtracks of Femina Ridens (1969), featuring gems like Mary's Theme, and La Polizia ringrazia, the first Italian noir police film directed by Steno. Cipriani's strong presence in th e CAM Sugar catalog covers a wide variety of works, ranging from war films to romantic dramas, eurocrime to horror, thanks in part to his long collaboration with cult director Mario Bava.